You have a question or a request? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Simply fill out the form and we will respond to your request as soon as possible.
We offer the storage of your personal details in a password-protected customer account, in order for you not to have to enter your name and address during your next purchase.
Your address data will be saved by completing the registration.
You can delete your customer account at all times. To do so, please contact the operator of this page.
The next time you visit our online store all you need to view your personal details is your email address and password.
Il nostro sito web utilizza i cookie. Alcuni di essi sono essenziali, altri ci aiutano a migliorare questo sito web e la vostra esperienza utente.
Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni sul nostro utilizzo dei cookie e sui vostri diritti di utente qui:
I cookie essenziali abilitano le funzioni di base e sono necessari per il corretto funzionamento del sito web.
Amazon Pay
Amazon Pay
The Amazon Pay cookies amazon-pay-abtesting-apa-migration, amazon-pay-abtesting-new-widgets, amazon-pay-connectedAuth, apay-session-set, language, amazon_Login_state_cache, amazon_Login_accessToken, amazon_Login_accessToken, apayLoginState as well as amazon-pay-cors-blocked-status make sure that depending on sign-in technology used the correct Amazon Pay button is rendered, that during checkout and depending on technology the correct Amazon Pay widgets are shown, that the correct sign-in flow is used on buyer sign-in, that during checkout the correct checkout session is used, that the Amazon Pay experience is using the correct language, that buyer sign-in works properly, that a buyer going through the legacy flow sees the correct widgets, and that script blocking is prevented by using the optimal traffic routing.
I cookie statistici raccolgono informazioni in forma anonima. Queste informazioni ci aiutano a capire come i visitatori interagiscono con il nostro sito web.
ADCELL - Firstlead GmbH
ADCELLsession - Wird beim Besuchen von gesetzt. Der Cookie ist nach dem letzten Besuch eine Stunde weiter gültig. ADCELLpidX - Dieser Cookie wird gesetzt nach dem Klick auf ein ADCELL Werbemittel und enthält Informationen über Publisher, Werbemittel, SubID, Referrer und Zeitstempel. Das X im Cookie-Namen steht für die ProgrammID des Werbemittels. Die Gültigkeitsdauer des Cookies ist abhängig vom entsprechenden Programm. ADCELLspidX - Dieser Cookie wird gesetzt nach dem Klick auf ein ADCELL Werbemittel und enthält Informationen über Publisher, Werbemittel, SubID, Referrer und Zeitstempel. Das X im Cookie-Namen steht für die ProgrammID des Werbemittels. Der Cookie wird nach Beenden des Browsers gelöscht. ADCELLvpidX - Dieser Cookie wird gesetzt nach dem Ausspielen eines ADCELL Werbemittels und enthält Informationen über Publisher, Werbemittel, SubID, Referrer und Zeitstempel. Das X im Cookie-Namen steht für die ProgrammID des Werbemittels. Die Gültigkeitsdauer des Cookies ist abhängig vom entsprechenden Programm. ADCELLjhX - Dieser Cookie wird nach wiederholtem Ausspielen oder Klicken auf ein ADCELL Werbemittel gesetzt. Damit wird der Weg des Nutzers über die verschiedenen Publisher nachvollzogen. Das X im Cookie-Namen steht für die ProgrammID des Werbemittels. ADCELLnoTrack - Dieser Cookie wird gesetzt, wenn der Nutzer nicht getrackt werden möchte. In Gegenwart des Cookies werden keine Cookies gesetzt, die außerhalb des Surfens auf gesetzt werden könnten.
Google Analytics (_ga, _gid, _gcl_au, _gat_xxx, _gac_xxx)
The cookies "_ga" and "_gid" contain random user IDs to recognize recurring visitors. The cookie "_gat_xxx" ensures that certain data is only sent to Google Analytics once a minute. The cookie "_gac_xxx" is set when a user reaches the website via a click on a Google ad and when the website operator does not use Google Ads, but has linked his Google Ads account with the Google Analytics property. Use this cookie to associate conversions, contact requests, or other events with the ad. The cookie "_gcl_au" is used by Google AdSense to optimize the advertising efficiency on websites.
The "IDE" cookie contains a randomly generated user ID to recognize the user across all domains and to play personalized advertising. It will be set if the site operator has enabled the remarketing feature, demographic reports, or Google Signals. The cookies "1P_Jar", "AID", "ANID", "CONSENT", "DSID", "DV", "NID", "APISID", "HSID", "SAPISID", "SID", "SIDCC" and "SSID" is used to support Googles advertising services and to anonymously collect information about the Google Ads ads. The cookie "test_cookie" is used to check if the browser allows cookies to be set.
I contenuti delle piattaforme video e dei social media sono bloccati per impostazione predefinita. Se l'utente accetta i cookie da media esterni, l'accesso a questi contenuti non richiede ulteriore consenso.
The Google reCAPTCHA script serves to ensure the reCAPTCHA functionality.